Thus says the LORD of hosts: "In those days men from every language of the nations shall grasp the sleeve of a Jewish man, saying, 'Let's go with you, for we have heard that God is with you.'"
Zechariah 8:23
Welcome to Corner Fringe!

Hello and thank you for visiting Corner Fringe Ministries. We are a first century Judeo-Christian Messianic congregation returning to the Jewish roots of the faith in the Messiah Yeshua through the Hebraic understanding of the Scriptures. Our heart is to share the Good News of Yeshua with everyone through in-depth study of the entire Word of God. Whether you are just beginning your spiritual journey or you've been a believer for years, you will be transformed by the ceaseless depth of the Scriptures when they are studied in the original language with consideration for history, culture and intent in which they were written.
Join me and the Corner Fringe community for the adventure of a lifetime!
May the Lord bless you,
Pastor Daniel Joseph
Join me and the Corner Fringe community for the adventure of a lifetime!
May the Lord bless you,
Pastor Daniel Joseph
Upcoming Shabbat Service
“I still remember vividly the night the Holy Spirit led my husband and I to the CF ministry online, lifting the veil and giving us a much deeper understanding of God's Word. Our family has become united through Shabbat keeping and we have never looked back since!”
“We have never grown spiritually as much as we have since attending CFM. We are accepted and loved; and can call many new acquaintances “friends”. Indeed, after a time of spiritual “drought” and “wilderness,” answered prayer and blessings of the Father continue to be evident.”
Mark & Elizabeth
“During a time of hurt and discouragement, having been shunned by family, Yeshua led me to Pastor Daniel’s Sabbath teachings. Ever since, CFM has been an immeasurable blessing to my family, equipping us and helping us grow in understanding and guiding us in walking out and defending the faith.”
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