
Stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.

1 Corinthians 16:13

Men of Honor

As the strength of the home and the first line of defense in the family, men today should take their cues from biblical examples such as Abraham, King David, Moses, and Paul, just to name a few.  These were men of honor, hard-working, trustworthy and loyal, sacrificial in their service, and skillful in battle.  They focused on obedience to God’s Word; thus, accomplishing many amazing feats.

Building Christ-Like Character

The men of Corner Fringe are challenged to become mighty men for their families, community, and nation.  They are committed to building Christ-like character through:
~ Studying scripture ~
~ Obeying God’s commandments ~
~ Fellowship ~
~ Praying for and encouraging each other ~
~ Discipling others ~
~ Serving as the hands and feet of Yeshua ~

Conquer Series

Conquer Series: The Battle Plan for Purity is designed to help men live a life of sexual purity and godliness as they journey through life in this world.  Dr. Ted Roberts’ real and raw approach is unique. He takes men through a journey of discovery, laying out spiritual strategies, presenting scientific facts and, in military style, teaching them how to use the weapons God has given them to prevail against the enemy of their souls. Having battled and triumphed against sexual temptation himself, Dr. Roberts gets it. His message is bold and direct, but also gracious and loving.

Interested?  Click to connect with Pastor Joshua.

.ORG - Month Luncheon

Old Retired Guys (.ORG) meets the second Tuesday of each month for lunch.
11:30-1:30 PM
All retired men are welcome.

Contact for more details.

Men's BBQ

Sunday, July 21 ~ 5:00-900 PM
All ages welcome.

We'll provide the steak, hamburgers and hot dogs. You bring something to share: salad, fruit, tea, soda, etc.

Contact for more details.

Mark Your Calendar!

We offer various activities throughout the year.
We encourage you to get involved and get connected!