Shepherd the flock of God which is among you.
1 Peter 5:2
Our church leadership is built upon the godly instruction outlined by Paul: men who are temperate, prudent, respectful, hospitable, able to teach, not addicted to wine, gentle, uncontentious, free from the love of money, and holding to the mystery of the faith with a clear conscience. Each of these men are approachable and willing to answer any questions you may have.

Daniel Joseph, Lead Pastor
Pastor Daniel started Corner Fringe Ministries in 2011. He is gifted in uncovering scriptural truths and teaching them to others in a way that is easily understood. He also has a heart to disciple pastors who have come to understand the truth of scripture.

Kraig Dorney, Pastor; Missions Director
If you've attended Corner Fringe, in person or online, you've probably met Kraig. He is relational by nature and loves to connect with the congregation, overseeing their physical and spiritual needs. His heart is for prayer and discipleship.

Bruce Smith
Bruce has been with the church since it began. He served on staff for twelve years making sure day-to-day operations were met as well as assisted with research, production, and technology. He retired from his administrative role in September 2022 and continues to serve as an elder. He has a heart for prayer and mentoring.

Joshua Antilla, Youth Pastor
Joshua was ordained in December 2018 and spent several years shepherding a small house church in Wisconsin. He is gifted in research and sharing truth and theology with others. His focus is discipleship and education. He became our Youth Pastor in February 2024.

Mike Sutcliffe, Online Pastor
Mike joined Corner Fringe in the fall of 2021 as our online pastor. His focus is to build relationship with and shepherd our online community. He works remotely from Illinois and has a background in training Christians to become disciple makers in Africa and Asia.

Stephen Opoku, Pastor
Stephen joined our team in September 2023. In addition to running his own ministry (Vision Inspired Fellowship Group, Inc.), he will also develop a ministry at Corner Fringe for the visually impaired. Stephen is a prayer warrior and brings a heartfelt desire to meet the needs of the community.

Jason Berry, Chaplain
Jason, founder and director of Anoka Community Missions, has been actively involved with Corner Fringe for many years. He shares his gift of empathy in grief counseling as well as joy for the Lord in marriage counseling and officiating weddings.
Deacon Delegates

John Andersen
John oversees set up and tear down, Prayer Ministry, Steps to Freedom in Christ, and Young Adults.

Brett Holmen
Brett oversees and co-directs CFM Worship with Emily Knopp. The goal is simple and comes directly out of Psalm 29:2 - "Give Yahweh the glory due to His name; worship Him in beauty of holiness."

Daniel Charais
Daniel oversees Elevate Marriage Ministry, which supports young married couples (whether newlyweds or new parents) by ministering to their spiritual, emotional and physical needs.

Steve Erickson
Steve oversees our Hospitality Team, greeting guests and making them feel welcome. The goal is for people to feel valued when they walk in our doors and answer question they may have about CFM.

Jon Knopp
Jon oversees Shamar Corp which provides a safe environment for all attendees.

Mark Lewis
Mark oversees Arms of Love, a care ministry that offers the love of Yeshua to those in need within our community (physically, emotionally, and spiritually). through visits, phone calls, cards, flowers, and meal trains.

Wes Schnaidt
Wes is a member of the CFM-India Board of Directors and works closely with the Yamarthi family (CFM-India) in the eastern part of India. He also oversees the Transcription Ministry.

Gene Studniski
Gene oversees our Jail Ministry. His goal is to show the ladies in the Anoka County Jail how special they are in God's eyes and to teach the men in Moose Lake how to change their behavior by following Yeshua.

In Loving Memory - Bill Olson
February 26, 1953 - January 28, 2023
Ministry Leaders

Judy Andersen
Women's Director
In addition to her role with Women's Ministry, Judy (along with her husband John) also oversees Prayer Ministry, Steps to Freedom in Christ, and Young Adults.

Jen Hagner
Children's Director
Jen loves working with our children, newborn through 6th grade, and has ministered in this role since CFM began in 2011.

Emily Knopp
Co-Worship Director
A familiar face to everyone, Emily joined the worship team as a teenager and now co-leads alongside Brett Holmen.

Chris Olson
Integration Director
Chris oversees our Integration Ministry, helping visitors get acquainted through the Welcome Center and other events.
Staff Members

Marcia Schnaidt
Marcia was hired in February 2020. She has a variety of skills acquired from past employment in marketing, office management, and human resources. Some of her responsibilities include financials, website/app administration, and communications.

Nathan Tsaddiq
Audio/Video Specialist
Nathan was hired in August of 2023. He has over a decade of professional experience in television post-production, as well as 25 years as a hobbyist in audio production. Some of his responsibilities include video/media/audio processing and editing, tech support, and managing the production booth each Shabbat.