Part 9 - The Parable of the Sower (Pt E)

Aug 24, 2024    Daniel Joseph

Topics covered include:

- Stoney Ground – Tribulation and Persecution

- The Story of Exodus

  * The People Believed

  * Plagues on Egypt – Sanctification for Israel

  * The Blood and the Memra

  * The Parting of the Sea and Deliverance

  * Into the Wilderness - Dependance

  * Tempting the Lord

  * Humbling the People

  * Lessons Learned

  * Words of Life

- Tribulation and the Stripping Away of Faith

- Remember His Power

- Accepting Tribulation

- Charles Spurgeon – On Tribulation

- The Book of Sirach – Prepare for Testing – Cling to Him

Bible verses include:

- Mark 4:17

- Exodus 4:30-31

- Exodus 14:31

- Exodus 15:1-2

- Exodus 16:1-3

- Exodus 17:1-4, 7

- Deuteronomy 8:1-3

- John 6:63

- John 12:48

- Psalms 78:19-21, 41

- Deuteronomy 1:26-27


Additional resources:

- Targum Neofiti – Exodus 12:23

- Targum Neofiti – Deuteronomy 8:3

- Charles Spurgeon – “Our dreading and complaining… “