Abraham and Kurios (Part 2)

Jul 22, 2023    Kraig Dorney

Topics covered include:

- The Sign of the Sabbath

- Review of Part 1

- Kurios - Theos / Supreme in Authority - Supreme in Divinity

- Job and Kurios

- Believing and Serving

- Thomas - Kurios & Theos

- Abraham's Surrender to Kurios

- No Deceit Before God

- In the Very Same Day

- Receiving Wisdom Through Faith

- Double Mindedness

- Faith and Works

- Moses Surrender to Kurios & Theos

- The Wisdom of Men vs. The Power of God

- Being Fully Assured Through Faith

Bible verses include:

- Exodus 31:13

- Genesis 2;8

- Job 38:1-4

- John 20:28

- Genesis 17:11

- Psalms 32:2, 5

- Romans 4:9-12

- Genesis 17:26

- James 1:5-8

- 1 Kings 18:21

- James 2:17-18

- Deuteronomy 32:4

- Psalms 119:89-90

- Matthew 9:32-33

- 1 Corinthians 2:4-5

- Romans 4:19-22

Other sources cited include:

- Guide for the Perplexed, Part 1 4:3