The Book of Life

Feb 10, 2015    Daniel Joseph

The Book of Life

Bible verses covered:

- Exodus 32:32-33; 33:12

- Psalms 9:3-5; 147:2-4

- Ecclesiastes 7:20

- Isaiah 14:20; 43:1

- Matthew 7:21-23

- Luke 10:17-20

- John 10:1-3

- Acts 9:11-16

- Romans 3:9-12

- 1 John 3:4-9

- Revelation 3:5; 13:7-8; 17:8; 20:12-15; 21:26-27

Other sources cited:

- Book of Enoch 43:1-4

- The Messianic Apocalypse (4Q521)