Ten Commandments (Pt 24)

Sep 24, 2022    Daniel Joseph

The Simplicity of Keeping the Sabbath (Pt 1)

Topics covered in Part 24 include:

- Keep it Holy - Six days you shall labor and do all your work

- You will be tested

- Commentary/definition on bearing a burden on the Sabbath

- Straining out gnats & Mountains on strings

- Keeping the Sabbath - A promise on eternity

- Not keeping the Sabbath - curses, death and captivity

- The centrality of the Sabbath to the Lord

- The discipline and wisdom of Nehemiah - No buying or selling

- Is breaking the Sabbath a sin?

- Mixing clay and healing on the Sabbath

Bible Verses Covered:

- Exodus 20:8-10

- Genesis 3:17

- Jeremiah 17:21-22

- John 5:10

- Jeremiah 17:23-24,26-27

- 2 Chronicles 36:19-21

- Nehemiah 13:15-17

- John 9:14,16

- John 9:16

Other Sources Cited:

- Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel - On the Sabbath

- The Mishnah, Shabbat - Jacob Neusner 1:1

- Origen of Alexandria - De Principiis 4.1.17

- The Mishnah, Hagiga - Jacob Neusner 1:8

- Rabbi Menachem Posner on the Sabbath