Book of Hebrews (Part 21)

Feb 23, 2019    Daniel Joseph

Infant Baptism Versus Confessionary Baptism; Church History

Bible verses covered:

- Acts 8:36-37; 16:29-33; 19:4-6

- Romans 10:9-10

- Deuteronomy 1:39

- 1 Corinthians 1:16; 16:15

- Hebrews 6:1-2

Other Sources Cited:

- The Catechism of the Catholic Church; The Baptism of Infants 1250-1252

- Cyprian of Carthage 210-258ad. To Fidus on the Baptism of Infants

- Origen 184-253ad.

- Augustine of Hippo 354-430ad.

- Tertullian 160-220ad.

- Didache 7:1-4

- Dr. A.S. Crapsey -Strong, A.H. (1907), Systematic theology (p.952)