Part 4 - The Mustard Seed and Leaven

Jun 29, 2024    Daniel Joseph

Topics covered include:

- One Thought – Two Parables

- The Kingdom of Heaven is Like…

- The Kingdom of Heaven is at Hand

- Your Kingdom Come

- No More Death, Sorrow, Crying or Pain

- A Mustard Seed

- The Things that are Not Seen

- Clement of Alexandria – Commentary on the Mustard Seed

- Mockers & Scoffers

- The Kingdom of Heaven is like Leaven

- Three Measures of Meal

- Sarah

- The Law – The Prophets – The Writings

- Yeshua Takes Away the Veil

- The Gospel in the Old Testament

- Hegessipus

- Until All is Fulfilled

Bible verses include:

- Matthew 13:31-33

- Matthew 3:2

- Matthew 4:17

- Matthew 10:7

- Matthew 6:33

- Psalm 27:4

- Matthew 6:9

- Revelation 22:20

- Revelation 21:1, 3-4

- 2 Corinthians 4:18

- Hebrews 11:1

- 2 Peter 3:3

- Revelation 1:7

- Revelation 6:15

- Matthew 16:6, 12

- Genesis 18:6

- Galatians 4:22-26

- Luke 24:44

- 2 Corinthians 3:14-15

- Acts 28:23

- Matthew 5:18

Additional resources:

- Clement of Alexandria, The Instructor 1.11

- 2 Esdras 10:7

- Sirach Prologue

- Hegessipus, Eusebius, Church History 4.223