Ten Commandments (Pt 41)

Mar 11, 2023    Daniel Joseph

You Shall Not Bear False Witness (Pt 2)

Topics include:

- The unique relationship between the ninth commandment and the other commandments

- Joseph and Potiphar's relentless wife

- Using lies to conceal sin

- The evil power of peddling lies

- Destroying the truth through the exaltation of lies

- Lies that destroy a society

- The coming of the lawless one

- Truth and love vs. lies and hatred

- Lies, delusion and depravity

- Hatred for the truth tellers

- Being valiant for the truth

- Beware a generation of wolves

- Witnesses of the truth bearing guilt through silence

- Seven things the Lord hates

Bible Verses Covered:

- Exodus 20:16

- Genesis 39:7-14

- Leviticus 6:1, 3

- Proverbs 10:18

- Romans 1:18, 24-28

- 2 Thessalonians 2:8-12

- 1 Corinthians 13:6

- Psalms 92:5, 7

- Isaiah 59:14-15

- Matthew 10:22

- Jeremiah 9:2-6

- Leviticus 5:1

- Proverbs 14:25

- Proverbs 6:16

- Ephesians 4:25

Other Sources Cited:

- Plato Quote: "No one is more hated than he who speaks truth."

- Robert Louis Stevenson Quote: "The cruelest lies are often told in silence."