Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (Part 7)
Jul 2, 2020 • Daniel Joseph
Other Sources Cited:
- Cicero, Roman Philosopher, Lawyer
- BLM, Patrisse Cullors, The Laura Flanders Show
- thegatewaypundit, 6/27/20
- The Western Journal, Jack Davis
- Townhall, Ryan Bomberger
- Unholy Alliance: Muslims and Communists, Ben Fowkes and Bulent Gokay
- Adam Elyahu Berkowitz, 6/29/20
- Patrisse Cullors website
- Robert Spencer, 6/24/20
- Fox News Channel, Tucker Carlson tonight
- National File, Carol J. Baker, M.D.
- Fox
- PJ Media
- Martin Luther King JR