Ten Commandments (Pt 16)

Jun 11, 2022    Daniel Joseph

Keeping the Sabbath; Profaning God; Bread from Heaven

Topics covered include:

- The fourth commandment

- Keeping the Sabbath

- More Christian perspectives on the Law (Video clip)

- All over the map

- There is a way that seems right to a man but its end is the way of death

- Unfaithful shepherds

- The grand conspiracy in the church

- Profaning God

- Clowns entertaining the goats

- "Well done my good and faithful servant" or "Depart from me, I never knew you"

- Bread from heaven

- The sign of the Sabbath

Bible Verses Covered:

- Proverbs 14:12

- Ezekiel 34:2

- Ezekiel 22:23-26

- Titus 1:15-16

- Ezekiel 22:26b, c

- 2 Timothy 4:3

- Psalms 119:51

- Jeremiah 5:31

- Exodus 16:4a

- John 6:32-33

- Revelation 2:17a

- Mark 1:27

- John 8:53

- Exodus 16:4-5

- Exodus 16:18

- Exodus 16:19-28

- Exodus 20:19-20

Other Sources Cited:

-Charles Spurgeon