Ten Commandments (Pt 22)

Sep 10, 2022    Daniel Joseph

The Sabbath and The Lord's Day

Topics covered include:

- Unveiling Mysteries of the Bible - Dr. Grant Jeffrey

- Why do Christians worship on Sunday? - Dr. Grant's most popular question

- Sloppy research leads to sloppy doctrine

- Commentary on Revelation 1:10 - The Lord's Day

- The Lord of the Sabbath

- Isaiah 58:1 - My holy day

- Biblical examples of the Sabbath and the first day of the week

- Misrepresenting the Didache

- Ancient Christian documents

- Breaking bread daily

- Proof texts with no proof - Acts 20:7 - 1Corinthians 16:2 - John 20:1

- Lay something aside... on the day after the Sabbath

Bible Verses Covered:

- Revelation 1:10

- Matthew 12:8

- Isaiah 58:1

- Matthew 28:1

- Luke 23:56

- Luke 24:1

- Acts 2:46

- John 20:1

- 1 Corinthians 16:1-2

- Acts 20:7

- Acts 15:21

- Leviticus 23:10

Other Sources Cited:

- Unveiling Mysteries of the Bible - Dr. Grant Jeffrey

- The Didache 14:1

- Acts of the Holy Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian

- NIV Cultural Backgrounds Study Bible - Craig S. Keener and John H. Walton