Part 1 - Wheat & Tares (Pt A)

May 25, 2024    Daniel Joseph

Topics covered include:

- Introduction

- The Definition of a Parable

- How Yeshua Lifts the Veil

- Prophets and Righteous Men of God Longed for Yeshua’s Teachings

- Power, Healing & Life in the Parables

- Cleansed by the Word

- The Parable of the Wheat and Tares

  * Answers

  * Darnel – Wheat’s Evil Twin

Bible verses include:

- Matthew 13:10-15, 17, 24-25, 34-35, 37-39

- Psalms 25:14

- Deuteronomy 29:29

- Psalms 78:1-4

- Matthew 10:27

- Mark 5:12

- John 6:63, 66-68

- John 15:2-3

- 1 Timothy 4:1

- Jude 1:4

- 2 Peter 2:1

- Matthew 7:15

Additional resources:

- Quote – “A popular evangelist reaches your emotions. A true prophet reaches your conscience.” – Leonard Ravenhill

- Article – Wheat’s Evil Twin Has Been Intoxicating Humans For Centuries – By Sarah Laskow, March 22, 2016

- The Ancient Greek Botanist Theophrastus, De causis plantarum (8:7 1) – Comments on Darnel - By Armand Marie Leroi, Professor of Evolutionary Development Biology at Imperial College in London, (2014)