Mighty Men

Go therefore and make disciples...

Matthew 28:19

Are You a True Disciple of Yeshua?

Discipleship is the process of living our lives, in thought, word, and action according to who God has created us to be. Do you believe He will make you into something you can’t even imagine?

"Mighty Men" is a discipleship program designed to help you know God more intimately and walk like Him.  

 Over the course of a year, this program directs your study of God's nature and character through His many names. It guides you into discovering and understanding who the "Mighty Man" is and what biblical qualities he exhibits.

It provides an accountability group to meet with on a weekly basis for discussion, prayer and encouragement.

And lastly, this program prepares you to "go and make disciples of all nations..." (Matt. 28:20)

Would You Like to Join?

Program Components

Once accepted into the program, you will have access to the following password-protected materials.

MM Qualities

There are seven key qualities that will be studied. Each quality has seven subsets and will be studied over the course of seven weeks, for a total of 49 quality studies.

"Names of the LORD" Study

This program will take you through twelve names of God; each name will be studied for four weeks plus a two-part conclusion, for a total of 50 name studies.

"Bondage Breaker" Book

You will read through "Bondage Breaker" by Neil T. Anderson. There are twelve chapters and one chapter per month is assigned to program participants.

Self-Assessment & Action Plans

Self-Assessment and Action Plans, assigned periodically throughout the twelve months, help you identify your strengths and opportunities for growth so that your relationship with God, home and community is strengthened.