A woman who fears the LORD, she shall be praised.
Proverbs 31:30

15-Month Online Discipleship Program
Learn what it means to be a follower of our Messiah as His disciple, and how to make disciples of others.

What Sets a Discipleship Program apart?
A discipleship program has a "weight" and call to it. To choose to be part of a discipleship program involves a personal commitment to walk in a manner that reflects the heart, love, and guidance of our Savior and Messiah, and to learn to reflect Him in a manner that draws others into a deeper relationship with Him.
Why this Discipleship Program Works...
~ There is a high emphasis on commitment.
~ The small-group format fosters intimacy, accountability, and support.
~ The rich devotional materials promote understanding of Scripture, discussion between participants, and action plans to help develop the characteristics of a Woman of Valor.
~ This is an online program that allows you to participate from the comfort of your home, anywhere in the world.
~ The small-group format fosters intimacy, accountability, and support.
~ The rich devotional materials promote understanding of Scripture, discussion between participants, and action plans to help develop the characteristics of a Woman of Valor.
~ This is an online program that allows you to participate from the comfort of your home, anywhere in the world.
What are Ladies Saying about WOV?
Blessed by invaluable fellowship - Dee J
“WOV is a valuable discipleship program that delves into the incredible and complex character of YHWH, that reinforces our holy identity as a follower of Yahshua, and that is a vessel of light promoting life-changing spiritual growth in a loving and intimate group setting. I have personally felt blessed by the invaluable fellowship and support as I’ve taken action to refine my walk and submit to the necessary measures that work to make me more like my Messiah each day.”
Even Moses had excuses - Robin S
“WOV has had a continual, quiet effect on my soul, almost without effort by me, just by going through the studies. I had wanted the changes in my own life that I had heard about in others'. But LEAD a group?? NO! I don't speak well, nor direct well, and I am ashamed that someone might look to me as an example of holiness. But the Lord asked, "Is there a better way to invite those changes?" When I argued, He said, "Even Moses had excuses." Not to compare myself to Moses--it was just clear this was His path for me. I am not yet who He wants me to be, but my King is leading me there.”
WOV has been life changing - Victoria L
“I was resistant to leading my own group. I thought I was not holy enough, not a good enough Bible scholar, and I couldn’t pray out loud as well as others. When Yah showed me the need to step up and serve, and to stop listening to the adversary, everything changed. As I grew in the program the Holy Spirit changed me. I became more holy, I learned more about my Bible, and I got better at praying in a group. WOV has been life changing.”
Would You Like to Join?
Contact us at the bottom of the page for information about the next session.
Program Components
WOV Qualities
There are seven key qualities that will be studied. Each quality has seven subsets and will be studied over the course of seven weeks, for a total of 49 quality studies.
Names of the LORD Study
This program will take you through twelve names of God; each name will be studied for four weeks plus a two-part conclusion, for a total of 50 name studies.
Bondage Breaker Book
You will read through "Bondage Breaker" by Neil T. Anderson. This book will be completed before moving on to the Qualities and Name Devotionals.
Self-Assessment & Action Plans
Self-Assessment and Action Plans, assigned periodically throughout the 15 months, help you identify your strengths and opportunities for growth so that your relationship with God, home and community is strengthened.
Program Materials and Resources
Program Materials and Resources are password protected and are intended for Program Participants only.