In The Beginning (Part 4)

May 27, 2023    Daniel Joseph

I Am (He)

Topics covered include:

- Monotheism

- Yeshua's Life or Death Proposition

- From the Beginning

- A Battle of Identities

- Before Abraham was I AM

- The Godhead in Titus

- The Good Shepherd

- Mighty God

- My Master

- What the Father says to the Son

Bible Verses Covered:

- Genesis 1:1-2

- John 8:24-25, 53, 56-59

- Exodus 3:13-14

- Isaiah 43:10-11, 13

- Titus 3:4-6

- John 10:11

- Psalms 23:1

- Psalms 80:1

- John 10:16

- Matthew 19:16-17

- Luke 8:39

- Isaiah 9:6

- Isaiah 10:21

- Genesis 24:37, 64-65

- Hebrews 1:8-9

Other Sources Cited:

C.S. Lewis - Mere Christianity - Book 2 Chapter 3