In The Beginning (Part 3)

May 20, 2023    Daniel Joseph

The Fullness of the Godhead


Topics covered include:

- The Revelation of the Fullness of the Godhead

- The Goal of the Devil

- Commentary on the Writings of John

- Revelation 1:1 - The Revelation of Jesus Christ

- Seven Lamps - Seven Spirits of God

- Seven Churches in Asia

- The Seven's in Revelation

- The Eyes of the Lord

- Blotting out of the Book

- He who Intercedes

- The Structure of the Two Greatest Commandments

- The Zohar and the Triune God


Bible Verses Covered Include:

- Genesis 1:1-2

- Revelation 1:1

- Revelation 4:5

- Revelation1:4

- Isaiah 4:1

- Revelation 5:6

- Zechariah 4:1-2, 10

- 2 Chronicles 16:9

- Jeremiah 17:10

- Revelation 2:18, 23

- Exodus 32:33

- Revelation 3:5

- Romans 8:26, 34

- Mark 12:28-31

- John 14:15

- 1 John 3:23

- John 6:29

- Colossians 1:4

- Ephesians 1:15

- Philemon 1:15

- 1 Corinthians 12:3

- Deuteronomy 6:4

- Isaiah 48:12, 16

- Luke 4:18



Sources Cited:

- The Zohar, Vol III,288, Vol II,43 - Dr. Gary Hedrick, Do Christians Worship

Three Gods?

- Commentary on the Zohar - Dr. Gary Hedrick, Do Christians Worship Three Gods?