In The Beginning (Part 9)

Aug 12, 2023    Daniel Joseph

And God Said, "Let There Be Light"

Topics Include:

- Brief Review of Genesis 1:2 (Part 8)

- When the Spirit of God Moves

- Then God Said, "Let There Be Light"

- The Evening and the Morning

- The Light of Creation

- The Glory of the Lord

- The Lamb is its Light

- The Light and the Sacrifice

- Hope

- The Power of the Light

- And God Saw the Light, That it was Good

- God Divided the Light from the Darkness

- Great Division

- Enmity Between the Serpent and the Woman

- War with Her Offspring

- The World will Hate You

- Standing for the Light - Hating the Light

- The War on the Light

Bible verses:

- Genesis 1:3

- Psalms 135:6

- Isaiah 40:3-5

- John 1:6-7

- Revelation 21:22-23

- Psalms 118:27

- Isaiah 53:10

- John 1:4-5

- 2 Corinthians 4:6

- Genesis 1:2

- Luke 1:35

- Genesis 1:4

- Matthew 10:34-35

- Proverbs 29:27

- Genesis 3:14-15

- Revelation 12:1-2, 13, 17

- John 7:7

- John 3:19-20

Other sources cited:

- LXX Genesis 1:2

- Jewish Publication Society Commentary on Genesis 1:3


- Conservative Christians have waged a war against the U.S. being a secular,

civic republic. May 23, 2022

- Berkeley Research - Crisis of Faith: Christian Nationalism and the Threat to U.S. Democracy. Edward Lempinen - September 20, 2022

- Headline: Christian nationalists - wanting to put God into U.S. government. September 17, 2022

- Headline: Christian flags at U.S. Capital riot

- Fox Business: Bombshell report claims Biden admin using taxpayer money to wage covert war on conservative, Christian groups - Kristen Altus - May 25, 2023